Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back in Jersey

Ah, back in New Jersey after a couple of months in lovely Punta Gorda, Florida, where I had rented a beautiful condo, with a huge lanai.  There were plenty of manatees to greet me on my walks around the marina.  

This was the view from my lanai -

And this was the path I took on my morning walks -

I had a great time visiting my friends Pat and Tom.  They bought a home in the marina last summer, and it seemed like a great idea in late November to hop in the car and head south to visit them, so I did.   I'm such a Jersey girl that I worried more about pumping my own gas than driving a thousand miles.   There were some very long stretches of interstate, and I was very happy to have many podcasts and audio books to keep me entertained.  I can't help thinking how my Prius' navigation system has changed my life.  I am severely directionally challenged, and driving almost anywhere used to raise my stress level through the roof.  Now, I plug in an address in Florida and off I go.  I love watching the miles and minutes tick down on the Nav screen.  

 Anyway, my condo was about 1 mile from my friends' house, both within the gated community of Burnt Store Marina.   It is just beautiful there.  
The people were so friendly and the marina was so beautiful that I started to think about moving there.  I was invited to the Friday night D&D (drunk and disorderly) in the clubhouse, invited to the book club and every other social thing.  What fun!

Finally, after more than two months of being footloose and fancy free, I missed my family and headed home.  Isn't it funny how the drive home FROM vacation just isn't as much fun as the drive TO vacation?
I drove home, waded through my mail, finished painting my fiber room/office, fixed the shower head, replaced the toilet innards, put up some new blinds, figured out why I was having trouble getting the new doorknob on the new door, and just generally got caught up.

Also, I was excited to watch the nephews play some hockey at the Trenton Devils home - aka the Sovereign Bank Arena.  Then we stayed to watch the Trenton Devils play.
They aren't quite as good as their big brothers, the NJ Devils, but they are fun to watch.

Hmm, I've been home a few weeks, and it's cold here.  What can I do?  I know, I'll call JetBlue to take me back to FL, Tampa this time.   While I was there, I visited the Plant City Strawberry Fest.   I saw Travis Tritt and Brenda Lee (she is so tiny and cute).  Of course we had plenty of strawberry shortcake and assorted fried things.  In case you doubt that they deep fry everything down there, here is the proof:

Then we drove back to Tampa so we could sing along with these guys (when I say we sang along, I meant I sang along), and I danced my fool feet off.

Here's another view 

Yep, it's the Piano Men, Billy and Elton.  What a great show!  Although the Tampa Times review said it was a sellout of the gray-temple crowd.  Is that ageist, or what?

So, like I said, I'm back in NJ getting caught up and getting excited about the Devs!  Go Marty!  

Oh, and I finished a few pairs of socks, most of a Kauni Cardi, but am stalled on that because I fooled around with the length and now that I have to do the neck castoff caston thing I'm scared to screw it up.  I also made a neat cowl/gaiter, spun some singles and am trying to decide whether to make a February sweater or a BSJ for a May baby.  Details at 11, or in Ravelry if you are so inclined.